
Congratulations for taking a big step towards creating a more contented and fulfilling future.

Introducing the signature …

1:1 coaching program

Join Lauren M. Hodge, PhD  on a 5-week journey to build sustainable habits that will empower you to thrive and adapt to change when you experience stress.

  • Daily habits and routines to thrive in your new normal.
  • Cutting edge, step-by-step approach to optimize your mindset and stay aligned to your purpose and your goals.
  • Strategies to reduce anxiety, stress, anger and depression.
  • Discover what is truly important to you…. so you can get your time back and do things that matter to you.
  • Stop self- sabotaging and address negative self talk so you can save time and get more done.
  • Address perfectionism to show up as your most authentic self and take risks.

I will work with you to first understand where you are at with your current life path. We establish goals and work towards them together. I do the heavy lifting to ensure you have the best approach to optimize your mindset so you can stay aligned and focused on your goals and purpose.

Hit the mental re-set button with…

(5) Individual coaching sessions

Which allow me to meet you exactly where you are and tailor the course activities and skill practice to best meet your individual needs

(5) Weekly online coursework modules

With video and worksheets to complete during our 5 week coaching journey or afterwards as a refresher on the key points that we cover during out coaching sessions.

Personal habit tracker

With my proven strategies to boost your motivation to set and reach your goals.


With helpful reminders, journal prompts, creative exercises, your personal implementation plan, and everything that you need to integrate our coaching for maximum growth.

Weekly recaps

And personalized strategies to stay in motion and move towards your goals.

Support and feedback

My support and feedback on weekly tasks and your overall progress.

Invest in what’s next…

Click HERE to submit your application for one-to-one coaching and schedule your free Consultation Call with Lauren.

Coaching cost: $599 package (monthly installment payments available and a sliding scale option for 3 low-income individuals each year).


– 5 x 60-minute private coaching sessions (value: $1,250)

– Online Course with all of the strategies and skill-building steps  to set you up for success (value: $1,440)

– Framework that you can use for your lifetime to move through changes and life transitions.

– The option for ongoing support from me while you work through your current life transition

Value Total: $2,690

Have questions?

Want more information?

Email Lauren at Lauren@drlaurenhodge.com

Click here to learn about Flow Online Course and start the course today!

Ready to directly address your primary sources of stress?

This online course includes:

Build self care skills

When we look after ourselves, we have more energy, patience, and are able to remain calm and consistent.

In this program, we will learn that when we take care of ourselves, we have more energy to look after others and we are less stressed. When we are less stressed, we can cope when there are unexpected difficult situations.

Identify core values

By values, we mean a set of internal beliefs and qualities that are important to us and guide the way we live and work.

It can be difficult to focus on our values when we feel exhausted and overwhelmed, so you may not have given your values much thought lately. In the program, we will look at values in depth.

"Spot and Stop" Triggers

Identify triggers and practice strategies to recognize and interrupt automatic responses in stressful situations.

In the program, we will learn to recognize and interrupt automatic responses in stressful situations to allow more time to activate intentional self-regulation.

Intentional Self-Regulation

Strengthen intentional self-regulation using techniques that can override automatic responses.

In the program, we learn to monitor our thoughts and feelings and learn proactive coping statements that can be used in the heat of the moment.

Positive Coping Strategies

Learn how to complete the stress response cycle and practice coping strategies to reassess a stressful situation and consider alternative actions in the moment. In the course, we dive deeper into strategies to help you complete the stress response cycle and take a second look at stressors to reframe them and diffuse anger and frustration from growing in the moment. The aim of these strategies are to help you recover from stress and reduce the negative impact of chronic stress on your brain and improve your ability to self-regulate when you experience stress in the moment.

Set and Communicate Boundaries

Boundaries allow you the freedom to live the life that’s most aligned to your true values. We will set boundaries and learn to communicate them so you can improve your personal and work relationships.

We work together to create a safe container to work through your stressors and support you to take action.

My coaching is designed to help you build the skills to be resilient in times when you are stressed or experiencing changes. This 5-session program includes video modules and coursework. It’s important to attend all sessions, as we’ll work on and practice different skills in each session. If you don’t have time to complete the video module for that week- still come to our coaching session!

Are you ready?

Want to learn more about the positive benefits of intentional action and create sustainable habits that empower you to thrive?

  • Click HERE to submit your one-on-one coaching application and schedule your Free Consultation Call with Lauren.
  • Coaching cost for 5 x 60-minute sessions: $599 package (monthly installments available).